Indiana Drunk Driving Penalties

Indiana drunk driving penalties can be very strict for dui offenders, especially for the repeat offenders. In this state, you cannot refuse to submit to a chemical test when a traffic officer stops you and ask for the same. Refusal to take the test will result in the immediate suspension of your diving license for one year. It is very important for you to keep in mind that like many other states Indiana also treat refusal to chemical test as a more serious offence than an actual dui conviction. The penalties for refusal will be applicable even if the charges against you get dismissed in the court. Make sure you stay safe and to not cause any trouble when you drink and if you do plan on drink you must take a look at Top 5 Rated nightclubs.

First Dui Conviction In Indiana

The first-time dui conviction results in the following Indiana drunk driving penalties.

- You will be at probation for a maximum period of two years.
- It will be mandatory for you to pay the court fees of at least $300.
- Your driving license will be suspended for a minimum period of twenty-four months.
- The basic monetary fine is up to $500, but if you are caught driving with a BAC level of above 0.14, the court is very much likely to award with an additional penalty of up to a whopping $5000.
- If the BAC level is above 0.14, you are likely to be sent to jail for a maximum period of twelve months. In general, thirty days of jail imprisonment is mandatory, which can be extended up to sixty days.
- When convicted for driving under the influence of alcohol for the first time, the dui offence is treated as a Class C misdemeanor.

Second Dui Conviction In Indiana

The following Indiana drunk driving penalties are applicable if you get convicted in a dui case for a second time.

- You will be at probation for up to twelve months.
- Mandatory suspension of driving license suspension for at least six months, which can be extended up to twelve months depending upon the severity of the offence committed.
- A maximum $10,000 of monetary fine
- Minimum five days of jail term is mandatory; the maximum imprisonment period can be as long as thirty-six months.
- A second dui conviction is treated as a Class D felony.

Third Dui Conviction In Indiana

You will have to face the following Indiana drunk driving penalties if you get convicted for a third time.

- Probation for a maximum period of twenty-four months
- Driving license will be suspended for at least twelve months and for a maximum period of ten years.
- A maximum $10000 of monetary fine
- If it is proved that you are a habitual traffic violator, several additional penalties may also be applicable, which is entirely up to the judge to decide (no details specified in the law code).
- You will spend at least ten days in jail, which is mandatory. The maximum imprisonment period can be three years.
- A third time conviction in a dui case in the state of Indiana is considered to be a Class D felony.

There can be several other possible penalties (not mandatory) also. For example, you may be asked to submit to urine testing. The court may order you to attend a Substance Abuse Education program (you will have to pay the fees as applicable). You may also be asked to attend a Victim Impact Panel. Besides that, it is also entirely up to the court to decide whether you should be awarded with additional Indiana drunk driving penalties, such as participation in a specific community service program and get the ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle.