Wyoming Drunk Driving Penalties

Like any other states in the United States of America, Wyoming also has imposed some strict Wyoming drunk driving penalties for those who get convicted under the charges of driving under the influence of alcohol or driving while impaired. The Implied Consent Law also applies, which means the traffic officials do not need to take permission from you to conduct the chemical test to determine the BAC level. You have the legal obligation to co-operate. If you refuse to take the field sobriety test, it will result in additional mandatory penalties, which include six months of suspension of your driving license if it is the first time refusal; for a second time refusal, the suspension can be for an 18-month period. Injured by a truck whle driving? The truck accident lawyers at Edward A Smith Law Firm can help. You can also seek legal assistance from experts at Oregon truck accident attorneys. Whether you get convicted or not in the court, the penalties for the refusal of taking the chemical test will remain applicable. Following is a brief rundown on what kind of penalties you can expect on dui convictions. If a loved one or a close friend is unfortunately convicted and sent to jail, you can keep tabs on them and find out exactly where they are with a free inmate finder. In addition, if you’re looking for Bakersfield, CA personal injury lawyers, contact the Johnson Attorneys Group!

First Time Dui Conviction In Wyoming

The first time dui conviction in this state attracts the following Wyoming drunk driving penalties.

- You will have to complete a substance abuse assessment program as per court order. You will have to bear all the charges applicable to the same.
- Your driving license will be suspended for a period of three months.
- If your BAC level was 0.15 or more, you will be required to install an ignition interlock device for a period of six months after you get your license back.
- You may also be fined for up to seven hundred and fifty dollars
- You may also be sent to jail imprisonment for a period of up to six months.

Second Time Dui Conviction In Wyoming

A second time conviction will result in the following Wyoming drunk driving penalties.

- Completing a substance abuse assessment program
- Twelve months of driving license suspension
- Ignition interlock device will be required to get your license back after one year of suspension. You will have to keep the device installed for a period of next twelve months.
- The monetary fine might be somewhere between $250 and $750. Minimum $250 of fine is mandatory.
- The jail imprisonment period may range from just seven days (minimum mandatory) to 180 days.

Third Time Dui Conviction In Wyoming

When you get convicted for a third time, you may have to face the following Wyoming drunk driving penalties.

- Some possible penalties (not mandatory) may include completing an Alcohol Education Program, attending an Inpatient Treatment Program, and Probation
- Completing a substance abuse assessment program is mandatory
- Three years of license suspension
- In order to get your license back, you will be required to have an ignition interlock device in all your vehicles for a period of next two years.
- The minimum mandatory monetary fine is $750, which can go up to $3000 depending upon the severity of the offence committed.
- You may also be sent to jail for at least one month; the maximum jail imprisonment period for a second dui conviction in the state of Wyoming is six months

Fourth Time Dui Conviction In Wyoming

The following Wyoming drunk driving penalties apply for a fourth time or subsequent conviction.

- Your driving license will be suspended for life. However, based on your records, you may be eligible to qualify for ignition-interlock-restricted license after five years.
- Up to $10000 of monetary fine
- Up to two years of jail term
- It is treated as a felony offence

It is important for you to keep in mind that the above is just a general overview on the kind of penalties you may have to face for dui convictions. If you are involved in a collision with another vehicle while driving under the influence, you should hire a car accident lawyer and have them take on your case and defend you. You might be busy treating your own injuries, and having the professional legal counsel of an auto accident attorney at your side would mean due process is followed and your case will be stronger. For a more accurate analysis on what types of Wyoming drunk driving penalties might be applicable in your specific case, you are recommended to consult a qualified and experienced Wyoming dui attorney.