Georgia Drunk Driving Penalties

As per the laws regarding Georgia drunk driving penalties, it is a criminal offence for commercial drivers to drive vehicles with a BAC (blood alcohol content) level of 0.04 or higher. The BAC limit for drivers under 21 years of age is 0.02. For all other drivers, the BAC limit is 0.08. Georgia has also enacted the Implied Consent Laws, as per which, if you are stopped for a dui offence and the police official asks you to take to state chemical tests of urine, breath or blood, you must not refuse. These tests are important to determine whether you are guilty of a dui offence or not. Even if you are sure that you have not committed any offence, it is legally mandatory for you to take the test. Refusal to take these tests will be considered as another legal offence, which may attract penalties like driving license suspension for one year.